Friday, October 26, 2012

Book Review- selling on Etsy for Dummies

I found the book to be very helpful and educational. I wouldn't be able to start my shop and get it to the point it's at now without it.

The Chapters that I found to be the most helpful were on item descriptions, titles, tags, how to make a banner, marketing, and all of the middle chapters after setting up the basics. I got the  help I needed with writing my bio,about me page, shop policies, and everything.

I don't have any sales in my shop yet so I didn't really go into rest much. I picked up a few things on customer service, Promotions, etc.

What I've learned so far from it is that sales and promotions aren't necessarily relevant for just starting. They work much better when you already have customers, it's a technique to keep them coming back.

Being active to gaining as much traffic as possible.
I try to aim for 50-100 in day when in actuality I'm more likely to get between 15-30.

I've noticed that the most successful shops have the most views and favorites and are added to a lot of treasuries.

So I try to add shops and listings as well as treasuries for promotion as well. I'm still struggling with the SEO of my shop to boost more traffic so it'll take a little bit more experimentation.

The more items I add the more traffic I have in my shop. I don't have the finances to add as much items as I'd like to as often as I'd like to let alone that many items in my inventory. But when I do I make sure to add them, write full descriptions, play around with the SEO keywords, and post to teams, and favorite items there as well. I also like to make treasuries similar to the items in my shop so that people search for things similar they can find me.

Also it's like karma. the more items and shops I add to favorites and treasuries, the more people add my items and shop to their favorites and treasuries. And it works as a promotion for all of us.

I like to interact with other sellers by asking questions and being active on team discussions and community forums.

One thing I'd recommend is taking a  break from online every once in a while. It can be very draining and makes me feel burnt out.

I add people who favorite my shop and items to my circle so I can have a better idea of the things they are shopping for, and take note to add similar items to my shop in the future.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is Alternative Modeling? What is "Alternative"?


To me alternative is people who are interested in none mainstream fashion trends who do 

their own thing. It can be Gothic, punk, scene, emo, steampunk, or someone who creates a 

genre all of themselves. Yes heavy tattoos, piercings, and wild hair dye is part of it 

outwardly. But it's mostly a subculture of people who are different in a good unique way 

from society norms and embrace it and come together to find like minded people and live 

life free.


As far as styles go there'e the fashion trends found in almost every store created cheaply 

and mass produced, then there's the alternative fashion trends created by individual artist

who want to share their art and go against the fashion trends. And those who create their


 It's a mindset more than it is a fashion sense. More like a mindset that can be expressed 

through fashion.

"Alternative is a generic term used to describe people who dare to be free-thinkers and who

 are content in being themselves. I don't think being alternative is just about what you wear,

 because all that can be faked. You can't fake your interests and beliefs, you can try, but 

people will pick up on the fact that you're just trying too hard. 

What is off putting about the alternative community is those who try to keep it 

"underground" or those who try to dictate what is and what isn't alternative. In my opinion 

there are no guidelines a person has to adhere to in order to be considered "alternative". I 

personally don't express myself in the way I dress, which is normal for those who are

considered to be "alternative", I prefer to do it through my actions and hobbies. I don't 

think that makes me less "alternative", but to be honest I was never one to get wrapped up 

in labels. I am me, and nothing more." - Ashley Schandelmeier Owner of The Alternative Modeling Directory


This is an age old question that gets asked time and time again to many people in the Alternative world. And there are so many snobs who believe they have the right to tell others what is and what isn't and exclude others that aren't like them. When this Subculture is all about love and acceptence and the freedom to be ourselves even if it's not popular, or not cool.


P.S you may have noticed that I used examples of all sorts of alternative models here to show the variety in the subculture and not just being limited to gothic, punk, metal, tattooes, piercings, Emo, or scene. I used models that have all sorts of styles shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. When I post pictures of alternative models I like to make sure that I post more than just one style, like Gothic, Traditional goth, cyber punk, metal, industrial, tattooed, colorful hair colors as well as natural including blonde.

I am more than honored to find 3 of my modeling pictures in google images next to some of the most talented models in the industry and ones of which I admire most like Amanda Tea, Joan Nokamoto, Natymetal, Yaz, and  a few others including suicide girls. I'm glad to be included and be so easy to find.

Klassy Von Kreeps (necklace designer) 

Gothic Makeup

Saturday I decided to do my makeup a little bit different. I added false lashes and used multiple shades of purple, black and grey. I wore light red and black lip goss and slight blush.
My hair was messy to I tied it up.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Makeup post: White dots

Purple and black eye shadow with white dots at the edges. I thought I'd try something new and experiment with dots on my eyes. I'm dying to find a deeper and brighter purple though. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Book Review:The Secret and The Magic

I read these books around the same time. They are both by Rhonda Bryne adn I absoutely love them. The Secret is more about the Law of Attraction and how the universe works according to the frequency of your thoughts. Basically, if you can think it you can bring it. It's filled with positive quotes, stories, inspiration and motivation that doesn't seem likt a waste of time. It's genuinly helped and I'm dying to watch The Secret movie, I've heard good thingsabotu it and the book has me convinced that it is very helpful and inspiring. I highly recommend this book if you are depressed, stressed out, and left wondering, " Is there something to life that I'm just not getting?" I think it'll help you find the answers that you've always been looking for.

The Magic is a 28 day challenge focusing on the Law of Gratitude and each day is filled with different methods of how to incorporate practicing gratitude every day. By the end of the book you'll have these things wired into your system without thinking about it. It just becomes so automatic and the happiness and positive vibes you'll feel is never ending, emotional and overall good for the soul. what I like most about these books is that to convert to anything that you may or may not be comfortable with to experience The Magic or to absorbing the wisdom of The Secret. There are gods to be worshipped or previous knowledge of the Bible, Koran, Philosophies, other religious text or anything needed.

The power is all in You and  depends on how you act, react, and think of various things and events. Which works perfectly for people who are religious, philosophical, pagan, atheist, or whatever. You can apply the messages into whatever it is that you already believe in as well as use it to expand on the knowledge that you've gained from your own beliefs. It does
not insult or put down others beliefs or ways of life, its not


manipulative in any way. It's just really open, wise, and a mind changing, life changing experience to have and enjoy. I ready love it. It helped me to clarify some things I've had on my mind over some time and encouraged me to pursue other things with more confidence. I am so happy and grateful to have this experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you Rhonda Bryne for sharing these experiences with the world!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Music finds:Hair and makeup Playlist

I don't know about most people but i like to have music play while I'm getting ready. So I created a hair and makeuo playlist about a year ago. Putting my playlist on random doesn't quite do the trick so making a playlist to match my mood while getting ready has made putting on my makeup that much more fun.


1.) My Alcoholic Friends- The Dresden Dolls
2.) Sing- The Dresden Dolls
3.)Half Jack- The Dresden Dolls


4.)Liar- Emillie Autumn
5.) Dead is the New Alive- Emillie Autumn
6.)How Strange- Emillie Autumn
7.) Opheliac- Emillie Autumn
8.)Heard it all- Emillie Autumn
9.)Best Safety Lies in Fear- Emillie Autumn
10.) Swallow-Emillie Autumn
11.)Marry Me- Emillie Autumn

12.)Witches-Switchblade Symphony
13.) Wicked- Switchblade Symphony
14.) If I were a Goth- Thou Shalt Not
15.) Hong Kong Garden- Siouxie and the Banshees
16.) Spellbound- Siouxie and the Banshees


17.)Crystal Forest- Nox Arcana
18.) TransMedley- Nox Arcana
19.)Lords of Darkness- Nox Arcana
20.) Theatre of Sorrows- Nox Arcana
21.) Dollhouse- switchbalde Symphony
22.) A-Punk- Vampire Weekend

Scene from Beetlejuice

23.)Jump the Line- Harry Belafonte
24.) The Banana Boat  Song- Harry Belefonte
25.) A Journey To Hogwarts- Nicolas Hooper
26.) The Sirius Deception- Nicolas Hooper


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Goth Questions:my answers to questions people have asked over the years


What happens if you date someone that isn't Goth? Do you tone it down for them if they aren't into all of that?

No, I am going to be myself 24/7 if someone doesn't like the way I dress, the music I like, or are into all of the things I'm into that's perfectly fine. But if they can't accept me just the way I am then I don't want anything to do  with them.


I know you dream of having a big Goth wedding but what if your husband isn't Goth? Are you gonna have a traditional wedding and wear a white dress for him?

I don't know what kind of wedding I'll have until I get married. Ideally I'd like to have a Goth Themed wedding but I'm sure that my wedding will be a combination of both my styles and his as well as the story of our lives and relationship.

I do not plan on wearing a white dress for any reason under the sun. As far as I'm concerned weddings these days aren't traditional anyways. But that's just me.

There's nothing tradional about me at all and my wedding will be an experience to have. But I'm more concerned about the marriage than I am about the wedding.

Aren't you hot in all of that Black?

It depends on the material and the weather really the color has little to do with my temperature.


What if you marry someone christian or religious are you going to convert to they're religion to become apart of they're family?

No, I've been to several religious and none religious schools I've read the bible, and other religious books and studied wicca, paganism. and various forms of philosophy. I am a bonified Athiest. I do no worship any god or goddess I never have and never will. It's simply nothing I'm comfortable with. I believe there's a power in the universe and everything has it's own energy that we should all be aware of and that it's important to be grateful for all of the things we have, had, and want among with many other things. I guess you can say that I have my own religion or that I am my own religion, but I prefer philosophy to religion anyways.

Ohh no you aren't Goth are you? What are you exactly?

Yes I do identify with the Goth subculture
Me last year when I first started modeling. Copyright Angel Images

I can't believe you dress like that, did you get your ass kicked today? Did you get into any fights today?

No most times when I dress up I receive lots of postitve attention and I don't attract violent behavior in people. Just because someone dresses a certain way doesn't mean they deserve violence or are welcoming abuse of any kind it's really sad when I see this in the news
Facebook picture of me at 18 my last year of high school. I made a dress out of labels and plastic bag logos tapped to a scrappy dress and spray dyed.

I hate being seen without my black lip stick at times.

Is it halloween?

1.) Halloween is a lifestyle not just a holiday.
2.) My wardrobe is not a costume.
3.) If were to wear a costume trust me you would know it.
4.) Who cares how I dress or what time of the year it is.
That awkward moment when you get bored and decide to take dress up and take pictures with your living dead dolls and share them with the world. One of the reasons why I started modeling, so that I can have real photoshoots outside of my bathroom mirror. A girl can dream can't she.

When are you gonna grow out of this phase?

This is not a phase it's a lifestyle that I continue to grow into as I get older
Back when my hair was red and I loved my blow dryed fros.

I know a Goth guy he doesn't dress Goth, so why do you? You know other people may not want to know that you are Goth? Why do you feel the need to show off?

1.) I can dress however I want to in order to express myself anytime I want to. I don't feel the need to show off anything. I'm just being me. Other people are free to express themselves however they want to and so can I.
2.) People wear crosses, pentacles, pentagrams etc. Do I want to know what religion you are? Do I care? No, I don't go around saying things like I know christians, pagans, wiccans, and jews who don't wear crosses, stars, pentagrams, pentacles, etc, so why do you? Do you see how that sounds? I have the same rights just as you do.
3.)Some Goths like more of the music than they do the fashion and other parts like the art, literature, and lifestyle.
4.) Not all Goths dress "Goth" 24/7 some days we just may want to wear jeans and a t-shirt.
5.) Some of us can't afford Goth clothes and accessaries so we just wear whatever.
6.) Most of us don't care what other people think of us. Some of us are comfortable and confident to dress in the styles we like without thinking about others views and opinions.
Here's a picture of me when I was 17. I'm not wearing makeup, accessaries, or anything "Goth" just all black and laying on the floor.

Why are you Goth? You do realize that people like that only do it for attention right? Why are you conforming to this trend.

I like the music, the syle, the art, the literature, and everything about it. It matches up with most of the things I like and are attracted to whether I claim the Goth label or not.

It's a common misconception that alternative people only do the things they just to get a rise out of others when it's really not the case. For me I like the things I like and I am the person I am and I could careless about what others think about it. By saying such a thing you are suggesting that everything I do, everything I buy, Everywhere I go I have you in mind.
When I get dressed I'm thinking of you. When I'm shopping I'm thinking of you. When I'm sketching my designs I'm thinking of you. When I'm drafting pattern I'm thinking of you. The sewing machine, picking an item to wear from jewelry bear, sculpting clay, stamping clay, etc. It's quite narcissistic to go around believing that everyone in the alternative cultures who dresses in a different way, dyes they're hair, wears colored dreads, body modifications, tattooes, etc has YOU in mind when doing so.

My style is my art and my art is my story and nobody can tell it but me and it has to be in my way. You can not like it, not agree with it, all you want. But do not even for one second think that it's all just to piss you and others off or to seem like the cool kid on the block in GothGirlandia. Because believe me that is not my intention.

I can't conform to somehing if I'm just being myself and I find other likeminded people who agree with me. If I'm conforming for being Goth then aren't you conforming for not being Goth or for being whoever you are if there's other people like you?

No I'm just being me and there's others who like some of the same things or similar to what I like be it Goth or not.

Me and my mini living dead dolly ghost kidding around. I don't think there's anybody quite like me to be honest.

Do you listen to any other music besides Goth?

Yes I listen to various genres of music from classical to rock, alternative, movie soundtracks, etc.

I know some Goths that listen to Hip Hop, Rap, R&B, etc you know like "normal" people do. How come you don't?

I grew up with this kind of music and I was always looking for something different outside of it because it really didn't appeal to me very much or at all for that matter. I find most of the music in those genre's to be highly annoying for various reasons. It's not because I'm too "Gawf" for it I just prefer other genre's of music and I have nothing against people who listen to other styles of music as long as they don't try to force it onto me. 

Are there any other questions that you'd like to ask me? Ask away.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last day of being 20! Favorite movie post

The Craft


An all time favorite movie to watch I am very interested in paganism and witch craft. Even though I don't practice it I find it intriquing to learn about both fiction and not fiction. I absolutely love Nancy Downs sense of style especially when she goes crazy and her hair goes from sleek to tousled. I wish I could get my hair like that. My new hair cut is inspired by styles like hers in combination with others as well.

Crazy Nancy Downs Hair


The Nightmare Before Christmas

I love all Tim Buton movies. I like this because it's a holiday classic and a must watch every year for Halloween and Christmas. And as some of you may know Halloween is not just a holiday, it's a lifestyle. So it's good any time of the year. I have all of the sounds form the movie on my playlist for Creepmas, Halloween, and spooky movies.

The Corpse Bride

I love Emily and her determination to find a husband in life and after death. It's like "Okay I got ditched at the alter and died. I'm staying to this tree until somebody marry's me and somebody will, because I'll be damned for otherwise." It's so stubborn and badass. A few years ago I painted of portrait of Emily that I absolutely adore. I just love the whole underworld that she brought Victor into. She's a cute Zombie Bride and I absolutely adore her.

Edward Scissorhands


I love Edward Scissorhands he's the only guy named Edward that deserves to be loved(joking twilight humor). I love his style though I think it's kind of gross that her worn absolutely the same thing everyday and I wondered how he managed to shower, change, eat, cook, or do anything to take proper care of himself. But he's the sweetest most misunderstood guy that I think a lot of people can relate to and not just Goths, but anyone that has any experience being a misunderstood outcast or anything.
I love his crazy hair, it reminds me of the 80's backcombing and hair teasing hair styles. It's so messed up but in a good way. Sometimes when my hair is messed up I mess it up even more to form it into a style and do an extra good job on my makeup and really work my wardrobe to create a cohesive look. I'd really love to do a female cosplay of Edward Scissorhands one day.



It was one of the cutest cartoons I've seen. I love cartoons that take you to an alternative universe like Alice and Wonderland filled with all sorts of odities and wonders. It inspires so much fashion,music, and art. I love creepy, cooky, artistically damaged dolls. I am the proud owner of 5 Living Dead Dolls. I love to creepy buttons for eyes, and the courtyard reminded me a lot of Scary Godmother.

Scary Godmother Halloween Spectacular


I first dicovered Scary Godmother a few years ago when I was babysitting my neice and nephew and they left but the tv was still on, though I wasn't paying much attention to it. Then it caught my attention when heard the music. I sat down and watched to first and second movie absolutely hooked. I want the key to Scary Godmothers house, her interior design, friends, and her whole world. I can't wait until I have my own apartment or house. I'm definately gonna decorate it with a Scary God mother theme along with all of my other favorite movies. I went to target yesterday I saw the halloween home decor section and I just thought about my future house and how one day I will be getting all of those things to incorporate into my home.

Monster House


I dicovered this movie last year when it came on for Halloween. I wanted to know the story behind the house and how it got that way and I wasn't disappointed. I loved it.

Hocus Pocus


I loved this movie since I was a kid. I love the costume design of the Witches , they're house, the spell book with the eye on it and everything.



It's a Disney Channel movie that used to come on when I was a kid I loved watching it every year along with all of its sequeals.

Under The Bed


Another Disney Channel Movie Favorite about a girl with an imaginary friend and then growing older and had something spooky under her bed and another imaginery friend and lots of adventures.

Easy A


It came out one my birthday when I turned 19 and me and my sister went to go see it. Again I love the Costume design of Emma Stone in this movie and I just love her as an actress. I love her in the move The Help as well.

The Addams Family Values

I love Wednsday Addams she's so smart and witty and could careless about being different. I love how close and alike her and her whole family are. I also love Christina Ricci as an Actress. The thanksgiving scene is an all time holiday favorite.


Casper the Friendly ghost again another misunderstood character that I abosuletly adore and againg another movie with Christina Ricci. Yay I can't wait until 30 days of Halloween comes on tv so and can see all of my favorites.



Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice I love this movie I love both families and the're quirky sense of humor and of course lydia's fashion. She's so whatever and doesn't care about the ghost. Note to Self: watch some good horror movies and ghost stories before I die just incase I have to haunt my own house one day knowing that the new people can't see or hear me yet I can still move and touch things. Yay lol. Adam and Barbara's attempt at scary away the new family is nothing short of hilarious.

