Friday, October 26, 2012

Book Review- selling on Etsy for Dummies

I found the book to be very helpful and educational. I wouldn't be able to start my shop and get it to the point it's at now without it.

The Chapters that I found to be the most helpful were on item descriptions, titles, tags, how to make a banner, marketing, and all of the middle chapters after setting up the basics. I got the  help I needed with writing my bio,about me page, shop policies, and everything.

I don't have any sales in my shop yet so I didn't really go into rest much. I picked up a few things on customer service, Promotions, etc.

What I've learned so far from it is that sales and promotions aren't necessarily relevant for just starting. They work much better when you already have customers, it's a technique to keep them coming back.

Being active to gaining as much traffic as possible.
I try to aim for 50-100 in day when in actuality I'm more likely to get between 15-30.

I've noticed that the most successful shops have the most views and favorites and are added to a lot of treasuries.

So I try to add shops and listings as well as treasuries for promotion as well. I'm still struggling with the SEO of my shop to boost more traffic so it'll take a little bit more experimentation.

The more items I add the more traffic I have in my shop. I don't have the finances to add as much items as I'd like to as often as I'd like to let alone that many items in my inventory. But when I do I make sure to add them, write full descriptions, play around with the SEO keywords, and post to teams, and favorite items there as well. I also like to make treasuries similar to the items in my shop so that people search for things similar they can find me.

Also it's like karma. the more items and shops I add to favorites and treasuries, the more people add my items and shop to their favorites and treasuries. And it works as a promotion for all of us.

I like to interact with other sellers by asking questions and being active on team discussions and community forums.

One thing I'd recommend is taking a  break from online every once in a while. It can be very draining and makes me feel burnt out.

I add people who favorite my shop and items to my circle so I can have a better idea of the things they are shopping for, and take note to add similar items to my shop in the future.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is Alternative Modeling? What is "Alternative"?


To me alternative is people who are interested in none mainstream fashion trends who do 

their own thing. It can be Gothic, punk, scene, emo, steampunk, or someone who creates a 

genre all of themselves. Yes heavy tattoos, piercings, and wild hair dye is part of it 

outwardly. But it's mostly a subculture of people who are different in a good unique way 

from society norms and embrace it and come together to find like minded people and live 

life free.


As far as styles go there'e the fashion trends found in almost every store created cheaply 

and mass produced, then there's the alternative fashion trends created by individual artist

who want to share their art and go against the fashion trends. And those who create their


 It's a mindset more than it is a fashion sense. More like a mindset that can be expressed 

through fashion.

"Alternative is a generic term used to describe people who dare to be free-thinkers and who

 are content in being themselves. I don't think being alternative is just about what you wear,

 because all that can be faked. You can't fake your interests and beliefs, you can try, but 

people will pick up on the fact that you're just trying too hard. 

What is off putting about the alternative community is those who try to keep it 

"underground" or those who try to dictate what is and what isn't alternative. In my opinion 

there are no guidelines a person has to adhere to in order to be considered "alternative". I 

personally don't express myself in the way I dress, which is normal for those who are

considered to be "alternative", I prefer to do it through my actions and hobbies. I don't 

think that makes me less "alternative", but to be honest I was never one to get wrapped up 

in labels. I am me, and nothing more." - Ashley Schandelmeier Owner of The Alternative Modeling Directory


This is an age old question that gets asked time and time again to many people in the Alternative world. And there are so many snobs who believe they have the right to tell others what is and what isn't and exclude others that aren't like them. When this Subculture is all about love and acceptence and the freedom to be ourselves even if it's not popular, or not cool.


P.S you may have noticed that I used examples of all sorts of alternative models here to show the variety in the subculture and not just being limited to gothic, punk, metal, tattooes, piercings, Emo, or scene. I used models that have all sorts of styles shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. When I post pictures of alternative models I like to make sure that I post more than just one style, like Gothic, Traditional goth, cyber punk, metal, industrial, tattooed, colorful hair colors as well as natural including blonde.

I am more than honored to find 3 of my modeling pictures in google images next to some of the most talented models in the industry and ones of which I admire most like Amanda Tea, Joan Nokamoto, Natymetal, Yaz, and  a few others including suicide girls. I'm glad to be included and be so easy to find.

Klassy Von Kreeps (necklace designer) 

Gothic Makeup

Saturday I decided to do my makeup a little bit different. I added false lashes and used multiple shades of purple, black and grey. I wore light red and black lip goss and slight blush.
My hair was messy to I tied it up.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Makeup post: White dots

Purple and black eye shadow with white dots at the edges. I thought I'd try something new and experiment with dots on my eyes. I'm dying to find a deeper and brighter purple though.